Preventing Office Emergencies—Five Essential Strategies for the Ever-Stocked Office

Every office depends upon a well-stocked inventory of basic supplies; without these essential items, production and efficiency can grind to a halt. Don’t let office supply emergencies slow your team down! By employing these five simple strategies, you can make sure your office is always prepared to get the job done!

1. Develop a System
You can start developing your office supply inventory system by first designating a responsible team member (or members, depending upon the size of your operation) to maintain and stock your supply inventory.

Once you’ve decided who will be responsible for monitoring and maintaining your inventory, the next step is to develop a tracking strategy. Begin by simply listing all of the items your office regularly uses, including the following information:

    • Description of the item
    • Stock number (if available)
    • Unit (Boxes, Cartons, Packs, etc.)
    • Item Cost

We recommend keeping this information in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, so that you may update information as needed, and email the list when necessary. It may be helpful to organize your supply list by categories, such as office supplies, furniture, technology, and cleaning/breakroom items.

Over time, it will be up to the team member you designate to track and evaluate the metrics of how often you use certain supplies, allowing you evaluate and forecast purchasing trends. For example, many businesses find themselves buying items such as tax documents and calendars at the end of the year. Tracking your purchase history will allow you to forecast and prepare for your next round of purchases.

2. Take Requests
It’s hard to know exactly which items to stock if you don’t know what supplies your team members need. Communicate with your co-workers to learn which supplies they need, or which ones might help them work more efficiently. Most importantly, make it simple. Consider leaving a clipboard or inbox available in the office so that team members may submit their requests.

3. Get Organized
The key to any successful endeavor is organization. Always keep your office supply inventory area organized and tidy. This not only makes it easier to retrieve items, but also saves time and money when recording and replenishing inventory. If your supply closet is a jumbled mess, take the time to clean and organize the area.

4. Discover Solutions
Many businesses are amazed by how much more efficient they’re able to operate by simply equipping themselves with the right tools and materials to meet their needs. Perhaps your business needs a custom form or other hard to find items. If you find yourself in this situation, let Action Business Suppliers take the guesswork out of your project. Call us today at 859-278-9448 to schedule a meeting with one of our skilled Account Executives, who can help you find exactly what you need.

5. Don’t Skip on Supplies
In an uncertain economy, many businesses fall into the pitfall of attempting to reduce expenses by cutting their supply budget. The problem with this strategy is that while you may cut some marginal costs, you’re also hobbling your staff by denying them the supplies they need to perform their jobs every day. Don’t fall prey to this pitfall; office supplies are essential to the flow and productivity of your office. Make sure your team has the right tools for the job!

Want more tips for preventing office emergencies? Sign up today to learn about the Action “Lifesaver Program,” and see our 5 Life Savers for the Office!