The Perfect Chair Mat for You

Using the right chair mat can provide years of protection for your floor and spine. A chair mat protects carpeting and hardwood floors from scuff marks and indentations. It also provides smooth mobility by reducing the amount of stress on your back and joints.

With so many options to choose from in our catalog, how will you know which is best for your needs? Pinpointing the right mat can be quite simple by considering just a few pieces of information.

Chair Mat

Floor Type: Is it going on a flat surface or carpet? If carpet, how high is it: low, medium, or high pile?
Workspace: Is it going to be used at a simple desk, L-shaped workstation, desk with credenza, copy or break room, or high-traffic area?
Load size: Light, medium, or heavy?
Usage frequency: Infrequent, medium, or frequent?
Edge type: Straight or bevel?

To measure carpet pile thickness, open one end of a paperclip, stick it down through the carpet and pad to the sub-floor, and measure the portion of the paperclip that entered the carpet and pad. Commercial and low pile carpeting is considered to be less than 3/8″ thick. Medium pile is about 1/2″ thick. High pile is over 1/2″ thick.

The underside of a mat can grip the floor a few different ways. Use mats with studded grips for areas with carpet. Use mats or a checkerboard grip or flat underside for areas with flat surfaces.

Many mats are made of vinyl, an excellent and durable material. However, you may want to consider that your mat be made out of polycarbonate. This premium material will not crack, curl, dimple or discolor under correct application. It’s a high-impact resistor that provides extreme durability. It’s safe, odorless and fire resistant.

When you’ve considered the above options, you’re ready to use the Chairmat Chooser by Deflecto. This step-by-step chooser will help you find exactly what kind of chair mat you need. You can find their mats in our catalog and compare them against similar mats by competing brands for the best price.